Cricfy TV

Download Cricfy TV APK free now! Cricfy TV is one of the best app for live streaming of sports such as Soccer, Cricket, Hockey, Kabaddi, Tennis, and also you can watch TV channels for dramas and movies.

Are you looking for a free online streaming application? If so, then you’ve come to the correct place. We provide you the Cricfy TV GitHub app. It is an excellent HD live streaming application. This app allows you to view 600+ TV stations from various countries.

The Cricfy TV app is straightforward to use. You’ll also get quick navigation and a user-friendly layout. This app includes live cricket, football, pro Kabaddi, IPL, swimming, web series, movies, and the latest news. Not only that, but you may experience extremely high-quality live streaming with minimal buffering time.

Sitting in front of the television at home and watching your favorite shows, sports channels, and movies is nearly over. Due to technological advancements, we now always carry a little TV in our pockets, which is the smartphone. We can use smartphones for a variety of purposes.

So, friends, we bring you the Cricfy TV app. Download Cricfy TV APK to turn your smartphone into a small HD TV and watch your favorite TV shows, sports networks, and movies anywhere, at any time.

What is Cricfy TV?

Cricfy TV

Cricfy TV is the best live cricket TV app, created by GitHub user ‘AbbasShakhi’. It would allow customers to view a variety of TV stations on their Android devices for free. So we’re sharing it with our valued visitors. If you are an Android user who enjoys watching live-streaming, news, dramas, movies, IPL cricket, T20 cricket, ymtv, or any other media material, you can download this app without hesitation.

Let us assure you that the Cricfy TV app newest version is entirely safe to download, install, and use on any Android device. Because the CricFy technical team tested the software in many ways. During the testing, they discovered no cause for concern. Do not worry about the app’s security. Enjoy seamless free streaming on your android device.

Features of Cricfy TV

Live TV Channels

Access to over 600 live HD TV stations, both national and international.

Live Sports

This software allows you to watch live ICC cricket, football, professional kabaddi, and IPL 2024 matches for free.

High Quality Streaming

One of the app’s main advantages is its high-quality streaming with little buffering time. This function ensures uninterrupted streaming.

Movies & TV Series

You can watch your favorite television episodes, movies, and dramas at any time.

Simple UI

The software has a simple UI that allows for easy navigation.

Regular Updates

Regularly updated to address bugs and add additional channels

Android Devices

Compatible with all Android devices.

Download Cricfy TV APK

App NameCricfy TV
DeveloperTeam Cricfy
CategoryLive TV
Size9.4 MB
Last Update2 hours ago
Total Downloads392511

How to Install Cricfy TV APK on Android Device?

You have downloaded the application. Follow the instructions below to install Cricfy TV Mod APK on your Android TV and smart device:

  • Locate the downloaded APK file in your device’s storage.
  • Tap the Cricfy TV APK file to begin the installation procedure.
  • Turn on the “Unknown Sources” setting on your Android smartphone. This setting is normally accessible under “Settings” > “Security” or “Privacy”.
  • Once the permission requests have been handled, the installation will proceed. Allow the installation to complete uninterrupted.
  • Once the installation is complete, tap the app icon to activate it.

How to Use Cricfy TV App on a PC/Laptop?

Android apps cannot be simply run on a PC, whether it is MacOS or Windows-based. It generates a virtual Android system on your PC, allowing you to install and run Android apps easily.

To use CricfyTV APK on your PC or laptop, follow the procedures outlined below:

  • Visit Cricfy’s official website and download the necessary app player for your PC.
  • Install it on your computer as you would any other software.
  • Launch the BlueStacks app player from your PC.
  • Download the Cricfy TV apk file to your computer, then double-click it to install.
  • Once installed, you can run the app using the Cricfy app player.

How to Download and Install Cricfy TV on Smart TV?

Here are the procedures for downloading and installing Cricfy tv APK on a Smart TV:

  • Download the Cricfy TV APK download from a reliable website.
  • Transfer the APK file to a USB drive.
  • Plug the USB drive into your Smart TV.
  • Launch the File Manager app on your smart TV.
  • Navigate to your USB drive and choose the APK file.
  • Click the Install button.
  • Wait for the Cricfy TV app to install.
  • Once installed, launch the app from your Smart TV’s Apps menu.

Cricfy Live Cricket TV Online

Cricfy TV is an Android app that provides live streaming of sporting events from across the world. It offers access to a variety of sports channels, including live cricket television, football, Pro Kabaddi, basketball, baseball, and more.

You may watch live matches and competitions, as well as view highlights and replays. It is available for download on Android smartphones and has a simple interface that ensures a constant viewing experience.


Cricfy TV is an essential software for anyone who enjoys watching media material. It provides uninterrupted, high-quality streaming with short buffer periods, allowing you to watch your favorite TV episodes, dramas, movies, sports, and more for free.